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Design Milk

Take a tour of this playful home for a young family with an incredible art collection and point of view.

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Great Lakes by Design

Learn about our custom work across all spaces - from residential to office and restaurant and beyond.

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House Trends

Step inside this cozy home along the water and see the way we helped this family preserve the history and feeling of their home after a remodel and addition.

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Great Lakes by Design

Learn more about our online collection of tables and seating and the process to building it.

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Shrimp Tank

Join us as we discuss the evolution of our business and what really matters to us, our team.

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M+A Podcast

A conversation with M+A architects about the rise of artisan craft and how the built environment affects innovation and design.

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Dave Fox Radio Show

Custom is their specialty and they aren't afraid to take on new challenges. Working with wood and metal, they cross boundaries between styles to achieve the goals of each client.

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The Key Podcast

The Key shares stories about entrepreneurs sharing their "keys to success" in all facets of life and business.

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